  • 2024 Sustain Charlotte Awards

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  • Take a look at some of the amazing impacts you helped support in 2022.

Sustain Charlotte is a community-based nonprofit organization advocating for smart growth solutions to Charlotte’s sustainability challenges. We inspire choices that lead to a healthy, equitable and vibrant community for generations to come.  LEARN MORE

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    Sustain Charlotte supports transit-enhancing funding and policies

    In early April, Sustain Charlotte signed on to a thank you letter to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) on bus customization and procurement reform. The Federal Transit Administration is working to ensure that the next rounds of the Low or No Emissions Grant Program and Buses and Bus Facilities Program do the most for riders—and the climate.
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    Sustain Charlotte asks Congress to keep promise of infrastructure bill and fully fund transit

    This week, we joined more than 100 transit and environmental groups in sending a letter to the Chair and Ranking Member of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees demanding that they keep the promise of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and fully fund transit throughout the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process.
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    Sustain Charlotte weighs in on UDO text amendments

    On April 17, 2024, Sustain Charlotte Executive Director Shannon Binns submitted the following letter on behalf of Sustain Charlotte to the Charlotte City Council members and Mayor Vi Lyles regarding proposed changes to the UDO that they will be voting on soon. We offered our take on addressing the text amendment in a way that supports smart growth and sustainability.  
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    CATS plans a better bus system

    As CATS recently shared the good news that more people are riding transit, the need to invest in that system is clearer than ever. At the February 28th meeting of the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC), local leaders discussed ridership trends, service improvements, bus purchases, and a fiscally constrained plan to expand the network.  Here are some key takeaways from the meeting: 1. CATS is planning a fiscally constrained Transit System Plan Implementation Strategy. The implementation of this plan assumes that a new local funding source will become available in order to leverage federal formula funds, competitive grants, and other funds. The strategy includes investments in the future 29 mile Silver Line light rail, 25 mile Red Line commuter rail, 6 mile Gold Line streetcar extension, 5.5 mile Blue Line light rail extension, and a better bus network.  New local funding would be needed to complete the envisioned transit network. (image: CATS)
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    Speaking up for parks and greenways

    We believe that greenways, parks, and nature preserves are fundamental to a healthy, vibrant, equitable community. That’s why we tirelessly advocate for Mecklenburg County to create more of them and maintain the ones we already have.
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    CATS bus service becomes more reliable

    At the January 24th meeting of the Metropolitan Transit Commission, we learned about a lot of ways that CATS is addressing concerns about vehicle maintenance, staffing, and service reliability.  Here's a recap of 7 key updates:
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    Ten park and greenway advocates show up to support funding

    Advocates from across the community showed up to speak about the importance of funding parks and greenways at the January 17 county budget hearing. Photo: Hope Wright On Wednesday, January 17, ten park and greenway advocates joined our Advocacy Manager Hope Wright to speak at the Board of County Commissioners' budget public hearing. These incredible advocates showed up with stories about the ways green spaces improve their mental and spiritual health, their importance as safe transportation corridors, their intrinsic value as habitat, and one of the driving forces behind choosing to put down roots in our community. We are so proud and grateful for their time and dedication to our park and greenway network. You can watch them address commissioners in this meeting recording and read Hope's statement below.
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    Transportation, Planning and Development Committee: January 8, 2024

    On Monday, January 8, the Charlotte City Council’s Transportation, Planning and Development Committee had their first meeting of the year, and a lot was covered. Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) interim CEO Brent Cagle delivered an update on recent happenings, Planning Director Alyson Craig gave an informational presentation about the UDO and community engagement, and Chief Sustainability and Resiliency Officer Sarah Hazel provided an update on the Strategic Energy Action Plan (SEAP) with next steps for the city. Here are the highlights.
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    Sustain Charlotte supports program that will help city reach its 2030 Strategic Energy Action Plan goal

    Last night our Director of Engagement & Impact Meg Fencil spoke at the public hearing for the city’s entry into Duke Energy’s Green Source Advantage Bridge program. Charlotte City Council then voted to enter into an agreement to support the creation of a solar farm project that will bring the City within 19% of reaching its 2030 Strategic Energy Action Plan goal of zero-carbon municipal buildings! We will continue advocating for climate-friendly energy and transportation investments. Today we pause to celebrate and congratulate the many advocates, government staff, and our elected officials who made this momentous investment a reality! 
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    8 things we will fight for in 2024

    This year, we will continue tirelessly advocating for solutions that reduce our impact on the climate, advance racial equity, connect communities, and support residents’ health and access to opportunities – and we’re committed to making it easy for you to do so, too. 
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