Knight Foundation grants to benefit Trees Charlotte, other groups

(by Hayley Fowler, The Charlotte Observer)

The Knight Foundation will announce $4.3 million in grants to three Charlotte-area organizations Tuesday — including $2.24 million to Trees Charlotte...

Susan Patterson, the Knight Foundation’s Charlotte program director, said each of the three organizations are working to expand their efforts.

“We are really interested in how to make Charlotte a more vibrant, connected place to live,” she said. “They all come at this in different ways.”

Trees Charlotte was created in 2012 to help the “The City of Trees” achieve its goal of having 50 percent of the city covered by tree canopy by 2050, and Executive Director Dave Cable said this gift will catapult the organization’s long-term efforts... 

Shannon Binns, founder and executive director of Sustain Charlotte, said a lot of cities have a natural resource — typically a body of water — with which to connect. For Charlotte, Binns said that natural resource is trees.

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